I live, I love, I share, but most importantly .... I observe the play
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
IN REALITY THERE are not many problems. The problems people talk about -- like in the World Commission report "Our Common Future" -- are just by-products; they are only offshoots. And there is no way to remove them. You can cut them, but that is only a temporary measure. Even cutting them will be difficult, because the whole orthodox mind will be against the action.
Only two things are needed. A world government is an absolute, urgent necessity, and we need a world academy of sciences solely devoted to creativity. No scientist should be allowed to make anything destructive.
Now is a great moment. Now we can manage to have one world.
This crisis is a golden crisis, because people only change under great stress.
If a crisis is tolerable, people will tolerate it. But we are now at a point where things are no longer tolerable. There is no more time for commissions and their reports.
The problems are very simple. They just have to be made clearly available to the whole of humanity: these problems are your creation and you are still creating them. Just a great awareness has to be spread that we are still supporting these problems, so that everybody can understand that we have to withdraw our support and take some practical steps. For example, if someone wants to be a world citizen, the U.N. should give a world citizen passport so the person is no longer connected to any nation. These are just small steps, but they can immediately become large steps. They will create an atmosphere.
Realize the responsibility: Man has never faced a greater responsibility before, a responsibility to renounce the whole past, to erase it from your being.
This earth can be a splendor, a magic, a miracle. Our hands have that touch -- it is just that we have never tried it. Man has never given a chance to his own potential to grow, to blossom, to bring fulfillment and contentment.
The future should not be just a hope and an opportunity -- those are terrible words. The future should be absolutely ours. We have lived with the idea of a golden past, but it was never golden. Now we can create a future which is really golden.
So I say: the new man is the greatest revolution that has ever happened in the world. And since we know the old world and its miseries, we can avoid all those miseries; we can avoid all those jealousies, all those seriousnesses, all those angers, all those wars, all those destructive tendencies.
The new man means that we are no longer going to allow anybody to sacrifice us for any beautiful name. We are going to live our lives, not according to ideals but according to our own longings, our own passionate intuitions. And we are going to live moment to moment; we are no longer going to be fooled by "tomorrow," and promises for tomorrow.
The new man is not an improvement upon the old; he is not a continuous phenomenon, not a refinement.
The new man is the birth of an absolutely fresh man -- unconditioned, without any nation, without any religion, without any discrimination between man and woman, black and white, East and West, or North and South.
The new man is going to be the very salt of the earth, concerned about how to increase the joys of life, the pleasures of life -- more creativity, more beauty, more humanity, more compassion.
We can go through a total transformation: we can create innocent people, loving people, people who breathe in freedom, people who help each other to be free, who are nourishment for each other's creativity and for everybody to be dignified, to be respected.
The new man is the manifesto of a new humanity, one humanity.
This is a great and fortunate moment -- to be in this challenging situation. It is not a situation that is going to destroy the earth, but only the churches and the politicians and those who hold onto the past.
There is no need to worry about the future. Science has arrived on the scene in time to accept the challenge.
It is a golden opportunity, because if the whole of humanity becomes aware of the roots of the problems, then the solutions are actually very simple.
Osho Vision
Friday, October 16, 2009
How to live off 1000RS for a week in Mumbai
So, how to live on 1000 RS for a week in Mumbai? That is the question? Well, first of all, stay with a friend or have someone take you in, because it is not possible otherwise, well, anything is possible, but you would just have to sleep outside in a park or something, not a bad option....hmmmm. What you do is locate the great village Dabha, the one that is serving the 10RS Dal, 10RS Rice, 2RS Roti and you make a home there. Even in the most expensive parts of Mumbai, The village still exists, let your heart lead you to the best one! Actually, living like this, buying some tomatoes and bananas and having your chawanprash, your all good to go. Full balances and alive and ticking smooth. It has actual been quite a fun journey having so little cash over the past week, getting excited when we raise enough money to get a train ticket back from Goa, finding joy in the little hurdles that we are jumping over daily. The sad/happy part of it is that I know this will be the last time that this happens in this lifetime. It is a pattern of lack that I have held onto for many years and finally being in the place of emptiness has shifted me straight into abundant thinking and giving which I know will carry us into heaps of abundance that will be shared all over the World. And, Brave New World is going to be huge, really, it already is!! so, that is going to bring alot in. So, in these last moments of counting pennies, looking at the right side of the menu, putting off small purchases such as brooms and dustpans, and living in that small tinge of worry, I must say, it is a completely enlightening experience to know that we are always taken care of....So MUCH FUN, but not for everyone!! heheh
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
1. The first was a 3 hour radio show at Radio Mirchi, Goa's Top Radio Station. For 3 hours the RJ an I ripped through 10 or so 2 minute sessions to get the public interest in the show and the music for the next day. We gave away CD's on the air, sang bits and pieces of songs and gracefully moved through all of the faucets of the music and the life. On one interesting note, the Radio Disc Jockey has become so computerized! He actually did not have much control over anything that was going on as it was some high tech playlist software that controlled the musical playlist, news an commercial. He did manage to cut one song in order to squeeze in another segment for us, got to love that Pankaj, we vibed right from the start!! Was a blast!!
2. Next was the press conference just before the show!! I was invited into an small ampitheater in which I was met with about 30 blank stares and was asked to discuss my life, my music and my mission in this game of it all. So, I did just that and was met with a few loving smiles and an occasional full on interest, but most of it was like talking to a brick wall with eyes. I was told the Goan Media can be shy, but this was halarious, really, got me wondering what the show was going to be like!! click here to read about the show. The best part of the press conference happened at the very end when Nikhil, a Anchor for an local news channel, walked in and sat me down for an interview. He was a casual hipster with a of spunk and was naturally confident in his peristance with me in getting me to do an interview. I was all for it. More on it later.
3. The next was the onslaught of Newspaper articles that we had to go through prior and post the show. From the misleading captions and mis-qoutes to the fantastic show review in the N..... Times (See article Here), I got a chance to see a colorful array of promotion and praise for the event. So much fun to see your picture on the front page of the paper next to OBAMA (See Front Page Here), and your picture is actually BIGGER, HMMMMM. Fun times!
4. The next was an empowerment workshop that I gave to just over a dozen of interested faculty and students from the College itself. We worked through the fear driven mind and focused on achieving our dreams. Each person got a chance to share there own unique dream and the steps that they will take in order to make that dream a reality. So much of the time we get lost in the dreaming and not in the steps that it will take to see that dream manifest in our lives. We also did an acted out version of Brave New World!! fun times!!
5. Last was the TV show that Nikhil is going to air on Prudent Network in Goa. This was my favorite. Basically, the set was like an living room, and the crafty news anchor and myself ran through an full scale emotional ride of sharing during our 30 minute segment. He will be airing footage from the show as well as plugging the website during the show which will air in two weeks in Goa. We should have the footage coming up soon!
In all is was an Media and Musical inspired weekend. I was actually completely unaware of all the attention that the show was going to get, but, was completely grateful for all the wonderful exposure and a chance to share our vision of Brave New World with people from all across Goa. I feel this weekend was a mere taste and look at the upcoming year as the music and message began to blossom and flourish all over the world. As for a personal critique on myself, I was extremely proud! I met all circumstances with confidence and sponteniety, willing to share completely and to give the music from the deepest place in my soul. Nervousness of the past was met with excitement to share and that I did, completely in every single circumstance. THE TIME IS NOW and I AM GIVING, EVERY MOMENT!!
Mumbai Day To Day TODAY - OCTOBER 5th
Burn off 10 CD's for the Consulate, Take A shower in-between and am out the door by 10 am
10:15 - Stop at printers to Print Invoice for Consulate
10:30 - Get on train from Bandra to Dardar
10;45 - Change Trains and go Dardar to Vidya Vihar
11:00 - Get down and run to K.J. Somaya college of Engineering to meet with Professor whom is translating Brave New World into HINDI!!!!
11:10 - Recharge Phone
11:30 - Meet Professor and work the song
13:00 - Have amazing conversation over lunch
14:00 - Leave KJ Somaya
14:15 - Board train from Vidya Vihar to CST
15:00 - Reach CST
15:10 - Wait in Line to Get Foriegn Tourist Tickets for train to Goa
15:40 - Get tickets
15;45 - Walk to Metro Cinema
16:00 - Decide to see a movie
16:10 - Got to Frutados to Buy something for Guitar - They do not have
16:40 - Movie begins and I come to find out it is the New Tarantino Movie!! Nice!!
19:40 - Movie Ends - Not his best, but, amazing Characters!!! WOW!!
20:00 - Walk to Musicians Mall In Charni Road
20:20 - Pass by my favorite restaraunt and find it closed!!
20;30 - Walk to Lamington Road - Do not find what I need
20:50 - Walk to bachalors for some food and home made Ice Cream
21:30 - Yummie Times!
22:00 - Board Train at Charni Road
22:10 - Have to get down at Mumbai Central because the train died
22:20 - Board Train to Bandra
22:40 - Arrive in Bandra and decide to Walk to Bandstand
23:00 - Reach Home
THIS MY DEAR FRIENDS IS AN BELOW AVERAGE DAY OF ACTIVITY FOR THIS CHAP!! I LOVE THIS CITY!! I COULD EXPLORE IT EVERYDAY!! SO MUCH FUN. Getting smooshed on the trains, becoming stronger and stronger and getting the out side space on the car. Walking slow and smooth. Smiling bright at each and every person. Enjoying the heart guided flow. An india Day is like no other, it is an experience. And, even after 2 years, It still feels like the first time I am seeing it!! What a gift!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Live on the Radio in Goa - RIGHT NOW!!
We are live on Radio Mirchi in Goa if you are in the area! 98.3 FM. Having a blast with Pankaj in the studio and playing some new tracks preparing for The Big Show Tomorrow!!
See you there!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
One in the Rain
Thursday, October 1, 2009
What I Love About India - #350
One more side note. IN India, the best way to make sure a policeman does not find you suspicious, SMILE AT HIM SO DEEPLY THAT HIS FEAR TURNS TO LOVE. SMILE BEFORE HE CAN EVEN CONJURE UP THE THOUGHT!! WORKS EVERY TIME!!
Getting Down to Business!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yes We Can, When We Believe!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Just Felt Like Writing Something
I look around a lot lately at this little game of life that 7 billion of us are playing on this planet, and, honestly, I cannot help but laugh when I come upon the realization that I play the game as a being whom acts as a guide to bring others to see this all as a game, and the game that I play has endless work for hundreds of years!! Oh, what a fun choice I have made....Such gratitude to walk hand and hand with the people that are making a difference in a time and space that really does not exist and even if it does, is such a small part of the infinite universe that is inside of each and every one of us. We are so powerful, yet we use our minds to disempower ourselves daily, WHY!!
Imagine a life where you are aware of the inevitable end, the "so-called" death, and each and every day you live in a reflection of the LIFE that is here now, and are completely expressive in each and every moment of it.
Imagine a life in which you whole-heartedly go after the things that are of your greatest imagination.
Imagine a life in which fear takes a back seat to love.
Imagine a life in which you manifest each and every little thing that you have ever wanted in your existence.
Imagine a life in which you are healthy and vibrant and feel like you are getting younger as the years pile on.
Imagine a life in which you are one with god, not God's servant or separate.
Imagine a life in which you are disciplined enough to love and respect YOURSELF and your integrity!
Imagine a life in which you wake up every day in complete gratitude and awe of EVERYTHING!
Start THIS MOMENT and make this your reality! It is a choice, believe me.
Lately I have been using various techniques that aid in my taking a conscious decision to completely alter the conditioning that has kept me down for so many years. After 30 years of waking up wanting to punch a small child, I now can wake with a sense of peace and calm, thinking thoughts of endless possibilities and gratitude for the many blessings I have in that moment. I see the people around me blossoming and creating their bliss daily!! oh boy, what a blessing it all is.......at this point, there is only one more thing I have to say, I AM IN LOVE WITH ME and MY LIFE and that makes my relationship with each and every entity on earth radiate from that space!! So, when I say I LOVE YOU, I can only say it because....I LOVE ME SO MUCH.
Our imagination is our reality when acted upon.....
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Much Ashamed Organic Food Exchange - A MUST READ!

Pt I - Go to:
- Vile Parle East Station
- find Champion Store
- outside the store sits a man named "Vasaiwala" only in the evenings - he is the fresh veggies/produce seller & identified by the "banana leaves lining his baskets"
Pt II :
- around the Champion Store, find Parleshwar Temple
- Opposite and just ahead of the temple (around an open construction area), under some trees, sit: "Ashok Vasaiwala" & "Chandrakant Vasaiwala" during the mornings
- Vasai is an area north of the city apparently where these guys are growing pesticide free.
Such fabulous instructions, directions - I'm imagining this BladeRunner scenario of you in the rain soaked melee of the train station scoring these organic veggies... more valuable than spice or drugs in bombay...
I see the whole thing going down right now!! I show up in a black hoodie, posed as a muslim woman, sneaking silently into the shadows behind the trees whispering "Vasaiwala, Vasaiwala....." Slowly an indian man perches up from dimly lit corner market hiding a bag under his Doti.....looking the other way he gently glides within arms reach and as I kneel down to expose the fresh organic goodies tucked up into his wastebasket, three spotlights blare into myeyes, exposing the much ashamed ORGANIC PRODUCE EXCHANGE...I am then sentence to a LIfe in indian prison for such a vile attempt at eating clean, natural, UNCOOKED food in the Pond we call MUMBAI!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
One of my FAVORITE stories - A MUST READ
advice on the door on which it was written:
“Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this
company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room
that has been prepared in the gym”.
In the beginning, they all got sad for the death of one of their
colleagues, but after a while they started getting curious to know
who was that man who hindered the growth of his colleagues and the
company itself.
The excitement in the gym was such that security agents were ordered
to control the crowd within the room.
The more people reached the coffin, the more the excitement heated
Everyone thought: “Who is this guy who was hindering my progress?
Well, at least he died!”.
One by one the thrilled employees got closer to the coffin, and when
they looked inside it they suddenly became speechless. They stood
nearby the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched
the deepest part of their soul.
There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked inside it
could see himself.
There was also a sign next to the mirror that said:
“There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your
growth: IT IS YOU.
You are the only person who can revolutionize your life. You are the
only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and
your success. You are the only person who can help yourself.
Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends
change, when your parents change, when your partner changes, when
your company changes. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go
beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only
one responsible for your life.
“The most important relationship you can have, is the one you have
with yourself”
Examine yourself, watch yourself. Don’t be afraid of difficulties,
impossibilities and losses: be a winner, build yourself and your
The world is like a mirror: it gives back to anyone the reflection
of the thoughts in which one has strongly believed.
The world and your reality are like mirrors laying in a coffin,
which show to any individual the death of his divine capability to
imagine and create his happiness and his success.
It’s the way you face Life that makes the difference!
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Always One To Remember
As they went along, they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which were supposed to belong to a poor man who was working in a field close by, and who had nearly finished his day's work . . .
Student turned to the professor, saying: "Let us play the man a trick:
We will hide his shoes, and hide ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his perplexity when he cannot find them ..."
"My young friend," answered the professor, "We should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor . . . But you are rich, and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by means of this poor man.
Put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch how this affects him." Visit: The student did so and they both placed themselves behind the bushes close by. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes . . .
While putting on his coat he slipped his foot into one of his shoes, but feeling something hard, he stooped down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Astonishment and wonder were seen upon his countenance.
He gazed upon the coin, turned it around and looked at it again and again.
He then looked around him on all sides, but no person was to be seen. He now put the money into his pocket, and proceeded to put on the other shoe; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin . . .
His feelings overcame him . . . He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without bread, whom this timely bounty, from some unknown hand, would save from perishing . . .
The student stood there deeply affected, and his eyes filled with tears.
"Now," said the professor, are you not much better pleased than if you had played your intended trick?"
The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. .. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never understood before: "It's more blessed to give than to receive."
Something that I wrote about love on the Chameleon Tour - 2005

and what I wrote few weeks later:
Please do not let that word enter into any relationship in your life, ever, it will only cause you and those around you harm that there is no need to have…I think this upcoming lesson is the biggest one of the whole tour…I am actually writing this on the other end of the lesson, almost 2 weeks later…this is a good one…but please just remember the most important word in life and do not forget it…

Rishikesh is beyond words, really. The moment you land and catch a mere glimpse of the Ganga, her power and strength pulls you into the silence within. To sit and watch her gracefully power through the valleys brings us to the deepest and most profound meditation. during Monsoon it is a real treat, her waters have stretched to almost double the girth that is attained during the season. Once again, I will say it, Monsoon is the best season in India!!! Although, something strange is going on this year, the rainfall is about 50% the norm!! Hmmmm, could it be an internal struggle arising in India. Mother Nature knows how to wake up people the best.....we will see. I am praying for rain everyday!!
We met so many brilliant souls in the short week that we were there, just amazing!! Cannot wait to see them all again all over the world!! We love you all the LIght Warriors, shed your loving soul upon them all!!
What a blessing!!!! Rishikesh, community of ONE......I LOVE YOU!!!
Swine Flu Craziness Experienced First Hand

The following is a response to a fear based letter I recieved from members of a spiritual organization that I will not mention at this time......
Please stop spreading the FEAR!!!! I cannot believe that you guys are actually buying into this nonsense. This is all man made nonsense, and, ok, less then 1000 people have died in HOW LONG. That many people die in MUMBAI per day!!!! This so called SWINE FLU is an attempt to control human beings and spread more fear to the world. Please do not subscribe. Do your Research and come up with something beyond what the media is telling you!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! If you have news that can make me actually believe in subscribing to this rediculous fear, that so few people have actually died from, then please share. If not, then make sure you take action in keeping the vaccine away from the all human beings. When the vaccine comes, that is when you will really start to see death....not, that fear should empower. GO ON YOUTUBE and research, TRUTH about Swine Flu, you would be astonished, and, of course, when there is big money involved, why would the media want the truth out there. Anyways, you decide for yourself, but I am sharing with you some things I have found below!!
Arriving Back in The Motherland - Mumbai to Rishikesh
Anyways, after an nice nap I ran around Mumbai and visited some dear friends, "walked on water, cured a disease, why are miracles so hard to believe.." he, actually I observed the resistance to the crowded scene in Mumbai and smiled my way through it. Actually, for the first time, the Dirt and Pollution had a profound effect on my mind and I was practically driven to get back on the plane and go back to the beloved community in Israel, but, something told me to stay through it...so, I did!!!
At 11:30 PM I boarded a 41 hour train to Rishikesh in which I sat in silence practically the whole way. I felt quite a bit of separation from the culture at this time and had rooted down in some old patterns, but, the Great Mother always has a way to shake you up, so, she did!! Blessing me with an hour and a half walk carrying 60 kilos of Luggage uphill to the Guesthouse in which I was pleasantly greeted by The Loving Warmth of Mai, nestled gently into the forest of Rishikesh at the Pyramid Cafe. Get this, Outdoor Pyramid Bungalow to stay in with 24 hour WIFI...THE FUTURE IS HERE!!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
First Entry in New Journal - July 20th, 2009
this book, being larger in physical Weight and energetically more rich, is a symbol of the great step in which I will take ar this turning point in my life. At the ripe age of 33, I will Honor the intention and integrity in which I live through discipline, knowing that with this action, ultimate freedom will come into my everyday MIND. It is time to take another leap into the man I am and to stand as a symbol in the messages that I SING and Speak!!
With my intentions clear, my heart open, my commitments fullfilled, my body, my mind and spirit respected and my connections honored and nurtured, I can penetrate this human existance with as much light and love as one man could ever imagine. PEOPLE GET READY.....heheheheh :)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Summing up the Israel Experience!!
Really, I dove in. I dove into the insanity of the Palastinian Struggle, the joy of the day to day shopkeepers, the non-stop array of festivities happening on every corner, The green of the north, the vast desert, the stillness of Sinai and the Dead Sea. I visited most of the Old Cities, played Brave New World in a CHURCH and all over Israel for that matter. I did a photo shoot that changed my whole perspective of models. I got one of the best Massages of my life from an incredible spirit leader. I played music in a New Frequency, 528, the Frequency of LOVE, along with that frequency, I had the blessed chance of pounding on Grandmother Drum while Hugging Jerusalem. I met people from all walks of life and loved and honored each and every one of them. I became a part of an incredible tribe of light beings bringing the blessings of High Vibrations to all of Israel and beyond. I shared with Walk About Love, not as much as I would have liked, but I did manage to get there. I loved and loved and loved. I indulged in sexual fantasies, rich foods and depressive thoughts. I lived with an alcoholic Chain Smoker for 2 weeks, driving me to that point. I saw the old patterns of control and separation come into my existence again, forcing me to take a few steps backward in order to align myself for the new paridigm of intention and integrity that I set on the hour of my birth. I played music with over 50 musicians, most of them joining me for the two major shows that I held in Tel Aviv. I collaborated with one of the best female singers I have known. I set strong intentions and stuck by them. I manifested a great being of love into my life. I celebrated my birthday in musical devotion. I developed relationships that will last a lifetime! I rode the trains as much as I could and the buses even more. On one of my last days, while having a Dream Circle in the Desert, I received an energy so strong, that assured me the power of this time and the awakening of human consciousness. Nothing can stop us now....THE TIME IS NOW!!! Lastly, well not really, but last for now, I smiled as much as humanly possible and I paved the road for the next leg of journey to the land to be even more fruitful then the first!!
This place is simply magic, full of magical people, mystics and creators, religious nuts, insanity and struggle, desert, forest and some of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. The physical beauty of the people will spark up an 100 year old libido! It is a land in which you can sink internally or rise, depending on your discipline. I feel the culture to be gentle and soft, with roots of war and struggle so deep that you feel it in the vibration of the land. But that struggle has brought freedom to daily life and most people in the country are there for the moment and the moment only. Yes Western materialism is coming in and dulling out the vibrational frequency of the middle class, but where in the world has it not, it just gives us light bringers more work!!! Yes, each and every person must go to the army against their own will, but they have learned to enjoy it.
I see this country transforming into the space of LOVE and being one of the great seers on that journey, at the forefront of this major shift. Being that the country is so small and the population is small as well, and, for the fact that there is so much attention on this country all over the world, I believe the shift can happen with a snap of a fingers and will be respected and honored all over the world when the walls drop and the hearts open. And, myself and all the people that I meandered with over the last 3 months will be sure of that happening!!!!
To all the people that I shared time and space with, that took me into their homes and hearts and respected and honored me as one of their own, My heart filled gratitude surrounds you at this moment. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Israel is HOME and dear to my heart and I cannot wait to return. Keep on spreading the light, great ones, I am with you wherever my physical body resides!!!
Now I am tucked back into the heart based existence of India, receiving the blessings of rain and love of the people getting ready to engage fully in spreading the music and message of Brave New World. Look forward to sharing more on this!!
With love and infinite Gratitude!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Green Sacred Mandala of Empowerment

We are much more powerful then we are taught to believe.....in this message I received I am clear that each and every one of us can live to our highest potential!!
When She Opened Her Mouth - Her Heart Poured Out
A Beloved Family in Israel

The Photo Shoot in Israel
Mezada - The Lord of the Rings

Repelling at the Dead Sea!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Rising in Love - hmmmmmm
One Swami was giving a lecture. “ Don’t fall in love , rise in love .”
And everyone clapped. At that moment, in that context, even I did. It made sense for that moment, and the point Swamiji wanted to make, was made.
What people don’t realize is that words can be twisted and manipulated to get across your point of view.
In the above case, falling in love gets a negative connotation. But actually that is not the case. It is , on the contrary, positive . It can be compared to falling asleep or falling into meditation . Are they negative ? No. All it indicates is that it just happened w/o any effort on your part. In fact, in such cases, effort itself is a barrier. If you put effort in trying to sleep, you won’t get sleep.
And how did this phrase originate ?
Believe it or not, from the gravitational force of the earth. How ?
Objects fall freely, w/o any effort, due to the gravitational pull of the earth. So falling in love , or falling asleep indicates that there was no effort exerted by you. In fact you were not in control at all. The laws of nature were at work.
The ‘falling’ that Swamiji was actually referring to , in a negative way, was ‘falling down’.
I hope you got my point of view.
Or did I twist the words and manipulate you ?
I LOVE THAT LAST LINE. the mind, manipulation.....can it be done in an i don't know state...hmmmm
Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Dead....SEA - A POEM

Opened like a vessel
here I am standing in front
with each passing breath she is vanishing
or has she vanished
am I vanished
ecstatic I scurry and squander
like a candle
I flicker
floating stiff
yoga poses
song composition
Dead in position
alive in exhibition
She calls me twice
burning, melting
my face has vanished in her scent
all that remains is a smile
and a song
"Heavenly Father"
"Today i walked across the sea
saw and angel
flew high
and cured a disease,
well, why are miracles so hard to believe
when it's only miracles that I see..."
in the hour of death
she lives on
energetic capsule
of emptiness
now I am sure
that there is life
in everything tangible
Michael Jackson - A product of our World at this TIME!

His music, his message and his soul will shine on, the rest was just s sign of the times. I pray humanity will learn about themselves through his life.....
Okuribito - Departures - WOW!!!

I Really want to share about my personal EXPERIENCE with this film. As I am watching the film, I decided to have some Chummos (Shocking) and enjoy the film with a bit of food in the belly, heart and mind. As I was taking bites, viewing the footage of one of his many Encoffenings, I found myself appalled and in a state of sickness watching the scene, and, I was not able to eat. I could not help but look into my own conditioning on this matter and ask myself why the thought of a dead body makes me cringe enough to not enjoy my food. Why death is a disgusting thing in my mind. HMMMMMMMM. So, as I take each and every opportunity to grow I kept eating the food as the scene went on to re-condition myself, but isn't that interesting. We are completely trained in life to look at death as something that is gross, sad and completely out of the ordinary. God, it happens all around us everyday and it is movies like this that can help us to see the beauty of moving into the next phase of existence of the soul. Shit, most people should be looking at it as the greatest day of their lives by the way the world is going these days. But, really, if we stop conditioning the FEAR and Hardship that surrounds death, then maybe people can actually live their lives with greater ease, not in a state of demise, pondering the inevitable truth of, WE ALL WILL LEAVE OUR BODIES. When, that is up to the Great Mind!! Live with that thought and you may go on a whole lot longer then you think......LOVE YOU
Trying to Manipulate Ones Experience
I had a situation recently in which my dear Partner is going through a situation that is particularly difficult in this time in her life. I had gone through a similar situation a few years back and found that when I stayed in the place of hardship, I was able to heal the wounds that surrounded that place and look at the place and my place in the place with brand new eyes, an open heart and an expanded awareness as to why I felt so much pain in this place. It was because of my association to it. I changed all the associations and rose into loving My native Place of Los Angeles, CA. So as she has meandered her way around past associations and hardships related to the native land, I have been pushing my way of healing onto her, thinking that it is the only way to get through something of this nature. A great realization comes when we realize that every being indeed has their own way of processing a different situation. And, if we push them to see it a certain way, we might be expelling them into a space that is actually stunting their growth in this lifetime. I actually had become an asshole and was doing things that would actually force her to have to go through an experience in the similar way that i did, when all she wanted to do was leave this place and process it from her safe place. Now, I judged the hell out of this desire as I felt it was weak and I also felt it to be running away from the pain. She saw it as a necessary way to deal with this particular situation in her life. And, the fact is, she has been stuck here having to go through it and has realized that this is the way that she must deal with it for now, away, in a safe space.
After weeks of resisting her place and wishing to force her into seeing my truth, I have expanded my heart, honoring her needs. It is not important for me to understand and see it her way, what is important is for me to be a friend, to honor her process and to Share what I have learned, not to force it. Religions have been manipulating people for centuries with this behavior and I felt no better then that for acting the way that I did. I am grateful to see it and have forgiven myself for my actions, taking responsibility for the nature of them. We will see when that great Divine gives me another opportunity, how I will behave in that space again.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Israeli Pedestrians - OUT OF THE FLOW!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Restoring the Balance of Nature!!

How many times in life can you open your eyes from a restful sleep to find a brown eyed angel staring deep into your soul with the softness of a feather, a smile of sensuality embracing me saying, "Come to me and strip me of this suit of binding conformity. Caress my womanly body and honor the silky soft skin that lies beneath these army rags. Pull the gun from my grasps leaving me naked and take me into your arms, making love to me deeply, honoring my feminine power as I peacefully soften into your penetration. Love me so profound that the binds of society fall beneath us and worship our freedom and we are left as lovers intertwined rising and spiraling into the sky, free to express our love and desire, capable of embracing our nature. I fearlessly become feminine and your masculinity protects and guides me into pure exstacy. I am ALIVE again!! I am a WOMAN and you a MAN and today we have restored the balance of nature!!"
Talking to my Inner Child

I am holding you and let you know all the things that scare you are real and far from real all at the same time.
I am staring deeply into your eyes and penetrate you with love so that your fears of not being accepted fall away in the breeze.
You are Free, no matter what your mind tells you!!
There is a reason for the way that you are, it is Love!!
Cry with me, I know it hurts to be a man!
If you step out of yourself, you will feel joy beyond your imagination.
I forgive you.
You do nothing wrong
I forgive you.
You are lovely the way you are.
I forgive you!
Please kick and scream and call me names.
I forgive you!
For the way you judge......yourself!
I forgive you!
For the painful walls put around...
I forgive you!
You are my inner child, loud, incessant, ignorant and enlightened, pure and simple, crippling and expanding, you are always here and sometimes I will need to hold you and let you know that we are OK and other times I will follow you and expand into your nature of infinity.
We can do this together always, Man and Child!!
Much love and Gratitude to Satya Rayes for the inspiration......
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Some amazing words from OSHO!
The greatest problem, the greatest taboo in India has been sex. Just as in the West today the taboo is death, in India it has been sex. Both of them are fundamental taboos. Either society creates taboo around sex or it moves to the other extreme and creates a taboo around death.
Sex is birth, sex is the beginning, and death is the end. A few people are trying to hide the fact of birth and a few other people are trying to hide the fact of death. The culture which makes sex a taboo will accept death, and vice versa: the culture that creates a taboo about death, will accept sex. Humanity needs freedom from all taboos, from all extreme ideologies.
If you create a taboo around the energy called sex , then the woman is condemned. Reduced to its scientific roots you can easily see it: unless sex is respected the woman will remain a means either to be exploited, manipulated, possessed like a thing, OR renounced – again like a thing. Either you possess the woman--- then she is your property --- or you renounce the woman, but again it is the same thing: she is your property. And woman considered as property cannot have freedom.
From Manu up to today the woman has been condemned for the simple reason that all these so-called saints and mahatmas were living with repressed sexuality, and when you live with repressed sexuality the woman becomes immensely important .Then your whole mind is full of fantasies about women, and naturally one starts feeling that the woman is the cause of all these fantasies. You cannot get them out of your mind because those fantasies are very alluring, fascinating, but the reason is NOT the woman at all.
Repress your desire for food and your mind will be full of food. Repress any desire and the repressed desire will take revenge; it is bound to happen so. It will assert itself in thousand and one ways.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Another Wonderful Story for Sharing
pole, which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it
while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of
water. At the end of the long walk from the stream to the house, the cracked
pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with
the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water. Of course, the
perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was
ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of
what it had been made to do. After 2 years of what it perceived to be bitter
failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of
myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way
back to your house." The old woman smiled, "Did you notice that there are
flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side? That's
because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on
your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them." "For
two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the
table." Without you being just the way you are, there
would not be this beauty to grace the house."
Each of us has our own unique flaw…But it's the cracks and flaws we
each have that make our lives together so very interesting and
rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are and look
for the good in them.....
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Endless Glow - Poem

Only in tears of gratitude
Does the sun speak to me
A mind pounding
What is the use
On Who
The fire lasted into the
luminous blue
of morning
into a question
what blocks my heart?
how is an endless river of love dammed
what human mind structure
has built this wall
around my heart
there is only an
endless glow in
her eyes
penetrating the darkness
that shadows my nature
in this early hour
of resistance,
I will stop there
the word FEAR..
how did it come to be?
I pray and pray
this endless glow
continues to
penetrate me.....
I cannot get enough. Even though I feel the sensations of blocks of brick building up in my stomach, I cannot stop. I am just praying that my body can make the shift and begin to dispose of this tasty treat!!! The Hummus here is unlike anything I have ever tasted!! I am a complete addict...and....I am happy with it!!!! Bring it on!! Put is on Sabech and I am your slave!!!!
Jerusalem Mask

Overlooking the rolling structured hills of Jerusalem brings instant fantasy into the mind. David, Daniel, JESUS....did they walk this land? When I close my eyes and open them again, I am almost 2000 years back in time. Something is in this City. Is it the world's endless obsession with the Bible that has given this place such a powerful presence? It is like I am wrapped in some dream of some fantasy world of names and places that I thought only existed in text and in the minds of the religious fanatics, and now, I am here!! Bethalahem: what!!!!?? This is an actual place? Guess so!
On our way to the Old City of Jerusalem, I got to see first hand what has happened in this country in the means of separation. An enormous wall has been built all around the Palastinian sectors of Israel, somehow attempting to erradicate the struggle between the two. I say if you want to irradicate the struggle of fighting people, a rediculous notion all together, then put them in a big area TOGETHER and then put a wall around them. let them fight it out if they wish or let them survive together as that is all they are trying to do anyways. The walls make the country look like a war - zone, yet, again, all I am seeing is people smiling and enjoying their time on the planet...even the soldiers!!!! Freedom is all I feel here, although the people whom I was with loved talking about the past wars that did go on over these roads.
On to the Old City, or, Revamped Old City. Everything was brand new!! New buildings, new shops, tons of things to buy. Expensive food. The only thing that remained in the Old City that was really OLD, was the mindset of having 4 different Quarters Separating the Religions. THAT is old school. I guess these people still haven't learned that My God is chilling with your GOD and they are laughing at us trying to retain the values of the OLD. The city is gorgeous, full of power and Jerusalem Stone....OH Jerusalem Stone!! I just love it.
On a funny note. I was not aloud to bring my guitar to the Wailing Wall or inside the Tomb of Jesus, but, smoking was aloud in and outside of these areas. I did manage to get the guitar inside and do some singing of "What are we fighting For!" And then an intense man in a black cloak aggressively stopped me!! Fun Times! I have also been told that you can pay to carry a cross on your back and walk the supposed "Jesus Walk!" MY GOD!!! HE must be smiling a the mere thought of it. What a funny world we live in. I look forward to a return visit in the near future. I think I have just scratched the surface here now.....more to come!!!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Performing in Israel - Nothing Compares

Over the past week I have spent my days in and out of Open Mics, Coffee Shops, Beaches and festivals mingling with the local people and enjoying the vibrations of love that resonate in the air here. In that short week I managed to put together a 4 piece band, that turned into a 12 piece orchestra of Divine Creation, which turned into a 60-70 piece offering when you include the crowd, singing in harmony with half the songs. I just love Playing music here!! I scream it to the universe!!. The crowds are as receptive as ever, awaiting musical offerings like exquisite cuisine. The response is filled with rhythmic clapping, singing, dancing and ear to ear smiles. Now, I know as a person I have changed in many ways, but this is an all out celebration of life every time that I take the stage. I played 4 shows last week in Tel Aviv and, to be honest, they would all be placed in the top 10 shows that I have ever played in my life, and definitely hold the top slot in Open mics. Such a deep love for artistic creation, a profound connection to the rhythms of life, Israel is sinking deep into my soul. THis band of greats that I played with tonight, how do you walk away from something like this? Only time will tell, but, I must admit, the music that poured out of each and every one of us tonight has the power to move oceans of beings into the loving space of pure joy!!!! To all that were guided and arrived in the space, you know what I am speaking of and for all those that felt it glow from a far, I love you all and look forward to the day when this music that is coming through takes its place in your heart and soul.
Come Together right now!!
Yes We can!!
I am in love with this high vibrational culture, but, please, STOP SMOKING, it really messes with the Vocals you know!! LOVE and GRATITUDE!
WE ARE THE CHANGE - shay anakhnu ha shi nuiy (heb)