Down The West Side - Throng La Pass to Pokhara
Reaching the top of Throng La Pass is a wonderful little mirage of "I made it!!!!" Little does one know that the other side of the pass is a 1600 meter downward descent into the largest valley in the world. The descent takes a little over 4 hours, that is after a 4 hour climb on the other side, and is paved in little loose stones that give way under your feet frequentlly!!! Then you come upon Anapurna's greatest blessing and its greatest curse, a road!!!! The reason it is a blessing is that is helps to suit the well established guesthouses like The Bob Marley Guesthouse, that are equipped with any type of food, the sounds of music and warm bedding and showers. After the last two days coming over the pass, it is a Warm, pun, welcome to your body and mind!!
The rest of the journey takes you through more dynamic terrain, including, The WORLDS LARGEST CANYON, viewings of the backsides of the mountains that you just passed by, walking along with DAULGIRI, the worlds 4th largest mountain,MARPHA, which is the Apple Capital of Nepal, TATOPANI, a town named after Hot Spring, in which you can enjoy a dip a dinner all in the pool, another 2000 METER, ONE DAY CLIMB, then POON HILL, which has astounding views of the adjacent range, an ENCHANTED FOREST and finally ending with a touch down in the quant and absolutely georgeous town of POKHARA.
Here is My Personal Wrap UP
Nature has become my savior!!! I cannot tell you how many times I was able to still the chaos in the mind with pure concentration on the playful dance of creation. I found my true self in the wings of a butterfly, the strut of an yak, the chomping of a buffalo, the scurrying of a lizard, the raging of a river, the flowing leaves; in the serenity of the village people, so simple and free, the strength of a tree trunk, the stars up high and the white mountains that pierced the sky. There was no chance for the obsessions of the mind. Anapurna and all of it's intricate glories writes the story of humanity. Up and down you go around in the circles of illusion, but this picture, a picture of truth, so close to absolute, I feel humanity could conclude in the arms of the mountains, in the blessings and care of our great Mother......NATURE!!!!
Reaching the top of Throng La Pass is a wonderful little mirage of "I made it!!!!" Little does one know that the other side of the pass is a 1600 meter downward descent into the largest valley in the world. The descent takes a little over 4 hours, that is after a 4 hour climb on the other side, and is paved in little loose stones that give way under your feet frequentlly!!! Then you come upon Anapurna's greatest blessing and its greatest curse, a road!!!! The reason it is a blessing is that is helps to suit the well established guesthouses like The Bob Marley Guesthouse, that are equipped with any type of food, the sounds of music and warm bedding and showers. After the last two days coming over the pass, it is a Warm, pun, welcome to your body and mind!!
The rest of the journey takes you through more dynamic terrain, including, The WORLDS LARGEST CANYON, viewings of the backsides of the mountains that you just passed by, walking along with DAULGIRI, the worlds 4th largest mountain,MARPHA, which is the Apple Capital of Nepal, TATOPANI, a town named after Hot Spring, in which you can enjoy a dip a dinner all in the pool, another 2000 METER, ONE DAY CLIMB, then POON HILL, which has astounding views of the adjacent range, an ENCHANTED FOREST and finally ending with a touch down in the quant and absolutely georgeous town of POKHARA.
Here is My Personal Wrap UP
Nature has become my savior!!! I cannot tell you how many times I was able to still the chaos in the mind with pure concentration on the playful dance of creation. I found my true self in the wings of a butterfly, the strut of an yak, the chomping of a buffalo, the scurrying of a lizard, the raging of a river, the flowing leaves; in the serenity of the village people, so simple and free, the strength of a tree trunk, the stars up high and the white mountains that pierced the sky. There was no chance for the obsessions of the mind. Anapurna and all of it's intricate glories writes the story of humanity. Up and down you go around in the circles of illusion, but this picture, a picture of truth, so close to absolute, I feel humanity could conclude in the arms of the mountains, in the blessings and care of our great Mother......NATURE!!!!
6 Songs Were Written on the Journey
Soul Mate
Walking Through
Into The Sun
Still Searching
Cannot Wait to Share!!!!
Walking Through
Into The Sun
Still Searching
Cannot Wait to Share!!!!
To all the people I shared with, to all the creatures I embraced and to all the great sages that held the space....
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