Many do not know this, but somewhere underneath (and above) the sludge and heat of Delhi, is a glorious world of shimmering cool breezes and fast efficient travel. It is a life changing experience just to walk down into the New Delhi Metro Terminals. The intensity, density and overwhelmingly sensory experience of This Enormous Indian Metropolis calms into an collectively organized system of low-cost efficient travel. PEOPLE ARE ACTUALLY STANDING IN LINES!! That just does not happen on this side of the world. If anything, just take a ride if you are looking to get out of the heat for a time. The whole metro system is completely AC and quite spacious even in Rush hour. Trains run every 2 minutes or so in various directions in the city. And, I believe by the end of 2012 you will be able to reach most of delhi through this reliable network of over and underground travel. EXPERIENCE IT YOURSELF….Trust me, it is worth it!
Check it out online at….http://www.delhimetrorail.com/