FIRST Read this short article ....

Now, It is really getting desperate out there. Beyond the water supply, which we all are very well aware of, Look at the last part about debt and think about it .... how much of our lively hood (in many areas) of our life, depends on this thing called a credit score, what do you think the credit score of California would be? .... The Time is Now! for major transformation in our glorious paradise called California. No amount of Gentrification, bright shiny objects or renovations can fix the fact that we parched as a culture, on the inside, thirsty for change. We are the ones we have been waiting for, rise up Cali, turn the finger inward and ask the simple question, how am I participating in the depletion of resources through my lifestyle, and most importantly, my mindset? The only real change is going to come when each and every one of us takes responsibility and makes the small changes that will result in a major cultural transformation. What does that look like, well, here are a few ideas that come off the top of my mind that I do my best to live each and every day of my life ...
Now, It is really getting desperate out there. Beyond the water supply, which we all are very well aware of, Look at the last part about debt and think about it .... how much of our lively hood (in many areas) of our life, depends on this thing called a credit score, what do you think the credit score of California would be? .... The Time is Now! for major transformation in our glorious paradise called California. No amount of Gentrification, bright shiny objects or renovations can fix the fact that we parched as a culture, on the inside, thirsty for change. We are the ones we have been waiting for, rise up Cali, turn the finger inward and ask the simple question, how am I participating in the depletion of resources through my lifestyle, and most importantly, my mindset? The only real change is going to come when each and every one of us takes responsibility and makes the small changes that will result in a major cultural transformation. What does that look like, well, here are a few ideas that come off the top of my mind that I do my best to live each and every day of my life ...
Be Kind to Others
Meditate for clarity on what you (personally) can do to make a difference.
Stop Worrying
Be grateful for all you have.
Work with Integrity
Give Love
Consume less food (especially meat)
Engage in Local Community
Have Fun
Laugh a lot
and the list goes on and on and on. I don't know about you, but I LOVE California, it is the reason I came back, it is the most dynamic and wonder FULL place on the earth, it is up to us to preserve it by preserving ourselves. I believe in the power of the human mind to collaborate with nature to co-create environments that will sustain us for the rest of our days. Lets do this!, individually and collectively.
With my deepest love and gratitude.
Meditate for clarity on what you (personally) can do to make a difference.
Stop Worrying
Be grateful for all you have.
Work with Integrity
Give Love
Consume less food (especially meat)
Engage in Local Community
Have Fun
Laugh a lot
and the list goes on and on and on. I don't know about you, but I LOVE California, it is the reason I came back, it is the most dynamic and wonder FULL place on the earth, it is up to us to preserve it by preserving ourselves. I believe in the power of the human mind to collaborate with nature to co-create environments that will sustain us for the rest of our days. Lets do this!, individually and collectively.
With my deepest love and gratitude.